martes, 8 de julio de 2008

The Duskfall - Lifetime Supply of Guilt 2005

Band: The Duskfall
Disc: Lifetime Supply of Guilt
Genre: Melodic Death Metal
Origin: Suecia

  1. Trust is Overrated
  2. The Shallow End
  3. Break the Pact
  4. A Stubborn Soul
  5. Shoot It in
  6. Going Down Screaming
  7. Hours are Wasted
  8. Sympathy has Decreased
  9. Downright Dreadful
  10. Relive Your Fall
Total playing time38:09


o si no prueva con:

1 comentario:

Yezkatlipoca dijo...

Buena aportación, excelente banda que llevaba rato buscando.
Saludos brutales desde México!!!